Welcome to the OpAL Lab

The Optimization, Analytics and Learning (OpAL) Lab is a research group at the Cheriton School of Computer Science. Our work is focused on machine learning on graphs, which is about making predictions using multi-modal datasets that combine features and relational information among entities.

We are located at the University of Waterloo, a vibrant technological hub with Concept, Velocity and Google around the block. We are also part of the Scientific Computation Group.

We are grateful for funding from the University of Waterloo and NSERC


1 July 2024

Aseem Baranwal will join the AI residency program at XTY Labs.

1 July 2024

I wrote a blog at Medium on Random Data and Graph Neural Networks.

24 May 2024

New paper: Analysis of Corrected Graph Convolutions.

4 May 2024

Our paper Simulation of Graph Algorithms with Looped Transformers was accepted at ICML 2024.

5 February 2024

New paper: Simulation of Graph Algorithms with Looped Transformers.

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